DENTAL IMPLANTS – Over their lifetime, many people, for one reason or another, find they might lose permanent teeth. Untreated, this can lead to discomfort, eating problems, loss of healthy bone and/or diseases. For some, the choice of a small bridge or even dentures are considered. But more and more people are choosing a more permanent, nearly natural solution: the dental implant.

Think of dental implants as artificial tooth roots. When dental implants are placed in your jawbone (A), they bond with your natural bone. They become a sturdy base for supporting one or more artificial teeth, called crowns.

A connector – also known as an abutment (B) – is placed on top of the dental implant to hold and support your crowns. The crowns are custom-made to match your natural teeth and fit your mouth (C).

Modern dental implants have been used successfully for over 30 years. They are the strongest devices available to support replacement teeth – and even better, they allow these new teeth to feel, look and function naturally.

When performed by a trained and experienced dental implant dentist, dental implant surgery is one of the safest and most predictable procedures in dentistry. Bone grafting procedures can  stimulate new bone growth at the missing tooth site. And, if placed immediately after a tooth extraction, bone grafts can prevent excessive bone loss and allow for future dental implants.

Depending on the patients jaw structure and strength, a bone graft may be required to better support and secure the implant. The bone graft procedure can take between 45-90 minutes and is performed by an oral surgeon. Initially, the recovery period lasts about two weeks. Following the procedure, the waiting time until a solid bone mass is achieved is between 3-6 months, in most clinical cases.

At that time, the implant is placed and secured. Then the abutment is attached and a crown is designed to complete the process. The crown process may be completed by a general dentist as not all oral surgeons handle this part of the treatment


Pre-Op preparation:

To aid in your surgery process and allow for maximum success and comfort, follow the instructions on the PDF sheet below.

You'll most likely receive post-surgery medication and will receive complete instructions. THIS IS A SAMPLE ONLY of the instructions you'll receive.

Open the above PDFs, download and read as appropriate.

Post-Op preparation:

To aid in your recovery and comfort, follow the instructions on the PDF sheet below.

Open the above PDF, download, and read as appropriate.

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Dental Implants are becoming the standard for a long term solution to missing teeth. It’s a process that has been perfected over time and is widely accepted by the public and the dental industry 


Here are a number of short videos that will aid in understanding the process and benefits of your new dental implants.

Dental Implants are a long term alternative to dentures and bridges.



Your treatment may required anesthesia and you have several options that will be explained to you by Dr. Goldenstein.


Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are extensively trained to administer local anesthesia, all forms of sedation and general anesthesia in a safe and cost-effective manner in the office setting. They are required to obtain continuing education in anesthesia and to regularly undergo a rigorous office anesthesia evaluation and certification.

Be sure to download and read our PDFs on Pre and post-surgical procedures. Also, Dr. Goldenstein and his staff will give complete instructions during your visit.